Saturday, April 20, 2013

Day one of blogging!!

So today is my first day of blogging, Ever!

I really have no idea the proper way to do this, so like most things I do, I will just dive in and see what happens.

I have a lot of idea's of what I would like to accomplish with my blog, Hopefully I can find a way to get all the thoughts in my head, formatted and typed out into this thing.

Some of the big goals I would like to accomplish are
1. To detail my shift from being a person who tells people that they should be doing certain things for their health, into actually be the guy who does those things for himself.
2. To give health advice and tips to people who may need some guidance.
3. To tell you what I have found that works for me and what doesn't.  Including what equipment I use, and things of that nature.
4. To share this space with my best friend Adam, who has a health journey all his own.  We are working together, a thousand miles apart to keep each other motivated, and I would love for him to contribute his stories too.
5.  I would like to learn things from people who read my blog, please feel free to ask questions, comment, give me advise, or call me a idiot.  I would love for this to be a space for me to help other people.

I have years and years of experience, in a short year I will have a doctorate, and I have truly all the main knowledge one would ever need to live a extremely healthy and active lifestyle.  After a few disappointed looks from my wife from her seeing my body go into decline in the past 5 years, to seeing some of my clients who are 20 years older than me and in 3X the shape, I decided it was time for a change.

I started my new journey at the beginning of February   I finally had the fire lit up under my ass and decided to make the change.  I weighed myself on my scale and top in at 198 pounds.  After 2 1/2 months and about 50 hours of time in the gym or running outside, and with strict calorie counting, I am down to 180 pounds.  My goal originally was to hit 175 by June first, but I think I have decided to make it 170, hey why not?

The idea of the blog started when I started researching why I was getting terrible shin splints.  After a lot of researching and looking at different things that might be causing it, I realized it had to do with my running style and the types of shoes I was wearing.  I have decided to transition into "minimalist" or "barefoot" shoes.  Transitioning into a barefoot runner takes a lot of time, and patience.  I thought it would be a great way to show normal everyday people how it goes, since I am a normal everyday person!  The idea to involve more of what I am doing started taking place, so now I am going to blog about everything... Gym, Running (especially the transition) Diet, alcohol and life.

So this is my quick intro of what I have planned, you will probably see a lot of post in the next few days as I start to set up, and talk about the past 2 months.

Thank you and please let me know if there is anything you want me to talk about, have questions, or just leave me a comment!!

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