Friday, March 7, 2014

Back at it, after epic failure.

So this is my first post back in a long long time.

Things with school got too busy, life got too hectic, and maybe I just got a little too lazy.  But I am back at my Blog, and back at trying to get fit again.

When I last was posted, I was getting ready for a 5 mile fun run, I had dropped from the mid 190's down to the upper 170's and I was feeling pretty healthy.  Yeah well... That ended with a epic thump.

So today I am back at 190, and I have decided to do a 90 day challenge.  With no longer having a gym membership, I am going to do the P90X system.  (the entire thing this time.)  I have gotten through this system about halfway twice, but this time I am going to commit to the full 90 days.  So lets see what happens!
I am 3 days in, 87 to go... But who's counting!

Stay tuned for some before pictures soon...They will be things of the past in no time.